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It was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. who said “Everybody can be great because anybody can serve.” There are a number of ministries here at Incarnation to which parishioners may feel called. There are several ways to serve in worship described below. Anyone feeling a call to serve in any of the following areas should contact the church office for further instruction and guidance.

St. Vincent's Acolytes

Acolytes are youth who participate in worship by leading processions and assisting the clergy. They carry processional crosses, banners, and torches (candles) and hold the Gospel book for Deacons. The clergy and acolyte wardens offer training for acolytes regularly.

Altar Guild
The Guild of our Lady, commonly referred to as the Altar Guild, sets up for all services and care for all the items needed for worship, such as the Eucharistic vessels, linens, vestments, and candles.

Chalice Bearers
Licensed chalice bearers administer the consecrated wine to those receiving communion at the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. Both women and men over the age of 16 serve as Eucharistic ministers after thorough training with the clergy.

Eucharistic Visitors
Eucharistic Visitors, directly following a celebration of the Holy Eucharist, are permitted to take and administer communion (the consecrated bread and wine) to members of the sick and homebound of our congregation.

Lay Readers
Lay Readers proclaim God’s word by reading the Lessons to the congregation and leading the Psalm, when read responsively. Licensed Lay Readers traditionally read the Old Testament, while other lay persons of at least middle school age, are also included in the weekly schedule to read the New Testament and the Prayers of the People.  Readers must be comfortable reading in public, and will receive training before being scheduled to read.  

Ushers are the first line when entering the church and they greet all persons attending services, distribute service leaflets, and assist in the service as needed.  They direct all persons from the nave up to the communion rail to participate in the Lord’s Supper. Men and women serve as ushers.  Anyone interested in joining the Ushers Guild should contact any member of that ministry for more information.

Masters of Ceremonies
Masters of Ceremonies are the behind the scenes coordinators who serve in a key role at each service.   They work closely with the Clergy to make sure each service runs smoothly. The MCs coordinate the movements of Acolytes, Lay Readers and Chalice Bearers. They also make guest Clergy and visitors feel welcome.