Sundays at 9 a.m.
Worship is central to the corporate life of the Church of the Incarnation and we welcome all who come. The Holy Eucharist is the principal form of Sunday worship at our church community. Moreover, our services bring together the rich gifts of the African worship experience and catholic worship as contained in the Book of Common Prayer. All baptized Christians are invited to God’s table to participate in the Holy Eucharist.


Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.
Zoom Bible Study. We invite you to join us for our church’s Zoom Bible Study, where we come together to explore God’s Word, grow in faith, and support one another in fellowship. Please contact the church office (305-633-2446, Tues-Thurs-Fri, 10am-2pm, or email for meeting ID and passcode.


Baptism, Confirmation and Reception
Christian baptism makes us members of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic church that we speak of in the creeds. Several times during the year, baptism is scheduled and administered within the context of the Sunday Eucharist and on Holy Saturday (Day before Easter) to persons who have never been baptized. Instructions are offered to adult candidates as well as parents and sponsors (godparents) in preparation for this special event. The sacrament of Baptism may be administered at other times as needed or requested.

In the Episcopal Church, there are three actions that have been referred to as confirmation: Confirmation in the Episcopal Church requires the laying on of hands by the bishop. It requires preparation which requires training and lessons with the rector or other designated person. Anyone who would like to affirm their faith commitment is welcome to participate in the preparatory classes.

When a person has been confirmed by a bishop in a church other than the Episcopal Church, they may be received by the bishop as a confirmed member of the Episcopal Church. For example, this would apply to members of the Roman Catholic Church who have been confirmed in their denomination and who now seek to become confirmed members of the Episcopal Church.
Reaffirmation is provided for a person who has been confirmed or received by a bishop in the Episcopal Church and desires to reaffirm their faith commitment. This might be someone who had left the Episcopal Church and is now returning, or a spouse of someone who is being confirmed, or an adult confirmed as a youth who desires to make a renewal of faith in this way.