The Vestry of the Church of the Incarnation is the governing body of the Parish, which operates under the guidance of the Rector, as its Presiding Officer. It is comprised of 12 elected members including the senior and junior Wardens, as well as a clerk and treasurer. The Senior Warden Emeritus is a non-voting member of the vestry.
Each vestry member devotes a great deal of time overseeing the property and financial affairs of the Church, while at the same time facilitating a number of specific ministries that contribute to the growth of the parish and its commitment to the community it serves.
The members are elected to a three-year term, and four of the 12 members rotate off the vestry every year following elections at the annual Parish Meeting. Each member serves as a liaison to a particular ministry group.”

The Reverend Roberta “Bobbie” Knowles
Rector and Chair
Vestry Members and their Responsibilities:

Mrs. Cynthia Burroughs
Senior Warden
Parish Leadership and Administration

Mr. Dudley Parker
Junior Warden
Property & Assets

Dr. Tiffany Sholtz

Mr. Dana Moss Sr.
Budget & Finance

Mrs. Kathleen Moss
Assistant Treasurer

Ms. Linda Johnson
Chairperson, Christian Education

Ms. Evelyn Davis

Mrs. Tanya Canty Marable

Mrs. Catherine Minnis

Mrs. Juanita Miller

Ms. Karen Moore
Social Concerns

Mr. Gary Moss
Parish Life

Mr. Ornan Pratt
Liturgy & Worship

Whittington B. Johnson, Ph. D.
Senior Warden Emeritus
Not pictured:
Mrs. Kimberly Moore-Fortson